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Composite adsorption cotton pad roll

所屬分類:testMOS maintenance universal adsorption cotton 時間:2022-05-30 17:19645 次瀏覽

MOS series adsorption cotton is a general-purpose maintenance adsorption cotton, which is suitable for the field of environmental protection and is the basic material of Liyang adsorption products. Universal adsorbent material has good performance. It can completely handle any liquid in maintenance, repair and operation environment. With perforated lines, you can only use the actual amount you need. The product is chemically inert and antistatic, and its gray can cover up dirt, ensuring its long service life. Maintain a clean and tidy production environment, which is the adsorption material for various production workshops, transportation, laboratories, equipment maintenance, medical and health care and other places. It can also absorb oil.
The composite molding technology is adopted, and the surface is made of wear-resistant materials, which are processed by dens, with enhanced strength and no chip falling. It can be used to wipe the leaked liquid on the rough surface, with improved durability, not easy to be damaged and torn, easier to recycle or reuse, more suitable for land use, and more suitable for laying on the ground and workplaces.
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